Mer 16 Mar 2011     

Il team di sviluppo di JRuby ha annunciato il rilascio di JRuby 1.6, una implementazione in Java del linguaggio di programmazione Ruby

This release fixes hundreds of user issues and brings compatibility with Ruby 1.9.2 to a very high level. We have made Windows a primary supported platform by adding it to our continuous integration environment. JRuby 1.6 will provide Windows-based Ruby users with the best experience yet. This release integrates experimental support for C extensions based on Ruby’s C API.

JRuby è rilasciata sotto licenza CPL, GPL o LGPL, ed è possibile scaricarla da questa pagina.

Mar 11 Gen 2011     

Gli sviluppatori di JRuby, una implementazione in Java del linguaggio di programmazione Ruby, hanno annunciato il rilascio della prima release candidate di JRuby 1.6.0.

JRuby 1.6.0 is the largest release of JRuby to date. This release fixes hundreds of user issues and brings compatibility with Ruby 1.9.2 to a very high level. We have made Windows a primary supported platform by adding it as a continuous integration platform, and JRuby 1.6 will provide Windows-based Ruby users with the best experience yet. This release integrates experimental support for C extensions based on Ruby’s C API. And as with all major releases, we have improved stability and performance across the board in response to real-world user input.