Gio 27 Gen 2011     

Google ha annunciato la disponibilità di una anteprima della piattaforma Android 3.0, nome in codice "Honeycomb", e il Software Development Kit (SDK) aggiornato con una migliore interfaccia utente e un migliorato UI Builder 3.0. Una sintesi delle nuove caratteristiche e funzionalità di Android 3.0 è disponibile a questa pagina.

The Android 3.0 Preview SDK is an early look at the upcoming version of Android 3.0, for developers only.

The Preview SDK includes:

  • An early Android 3.0 system image for use in the Android emulator
  • An Android 3.0 library with non-final APIs
  • A new WXGA emulator skin for an extra large Android Virtual Device
  • New documentation for Android 3.0, including a complete API reference, new developer guides, and an API differences report between Android 3.0 and 2.3.

Il download delle versioni per Windows, Linux e Mac OS X è possibile da questa pagina, o direttamente da questi link

Lun 24 Gen 2011     

Gli sviluppatori di WordPress hanno rilasciato la terza release candidate di WordPress 3.1.

The biggest change is the removal of AJAX list tables, which had been an effort to move all of our list-style screens to full AJAX for pagination, searches, and column sorts, and to consolidate the list-style screens into a single API that plugins could leverage. Unfortunately, with more testing came realizations that there were too many major bugs and usability issues with how the functionality was implemented, so we’ve spent the last week rolling back the most important portions of the feature.

Il download è possibile da questo link

Gio 20 Gen 2011     

Il consorzio Khronos Group ha rilasciato le specifiche OpenMAX AL 1.1

OpenMAX™ is a royalty-free, cross-platform API that provides comprehensive streaming media codec and application portability by enabling accelerated multimedia components to be developed, integrated and programmed across multiple operating systems and silicon platforms.

e le specifiche OpenSL ES 1.1

OpenSL ES™ is a royalty-free, cross-platform, hardware-accelerated audio API tuned for embedded systems. It provides a standardized, high-performance, low-latency method to access audio functionality for developers of native applications on embedded mobile multimedia devices, enabling straightforward cross-platform deployment of hardware and software audio capabilities, reducing implementation effort, and promoting the market for advanced audio.

Lun 17 Gen 2011     

JDK 7 "ha raggiunto la fase successiva di sviluppo il 23 dicembre e può ormai essere considerata Feature Complete", anche se in ritardo rispetto ai tempi previsti e nonostante le polemiche che hanno accompagnato l'approvazione delle specifiche, è quanto scrive Henrik Ståhl sul suo blog

The JDK 7 project has reached Feature Complete (FC). This means that development and QA have finished all planned feature and test development work in the release and are moving the focus to testing and bug fixing on all supported JDK 7 platforms. This is a major step towards JDK 7 General Availability (GA) and implies that we are tracking close to the plan published on

Le tecnologie complementari potranno essere integrate successivamente nel JDK. Tra queste JAXP (Java API for XML Processing), JAXB (Java Architecture for XML Binding), JAX-WS (Java API for XML Web Services) e JMX (Java Management Extensions). Tuttavia non ci si attende che la gestione di queste possa avere un impatto negativo sul piano di rilascio di JDK 7.

Per il prossimo 17 febbraio dovrebbe essere disponibile la Developer Preview di JDK 7, mentre la versione finale dovrebbe essere disponibile per il 28 luglio.

Mar 11 Gen 2011     

Gli sviluppatori di JRuby, una implementazione in Java del linguaggio di programmazione Ruby, hanno annunciato il rilascio della prima release candidate di JRuby 1.6.0.

JRuby 1.6.0 is the largest release of JRuby to date. This release fixes hundreds of user issues and brings compatibility with Ruby 1.9.2 to a very high level. We have made Windows a primary supported platform by adding it as a continuous integration platform, and JRuby 1.6 will provide Windows-based Ruby users with the best experience yet. This release integrates experimental support for C extensions based on Ruby’s C API. And as with all major releases, we have improved stability and performance across the board in response to real-world user input.
Mar 11 Gen 2011     

Annunciato il rilascio di Joomla 1.6.0, tre anni dopo il rilascio della precedente major release del cms.

Joomla 1.6 delivers new features to end-users and site administrators including:

  • Finer access controls for viewing and editing content with configurable user groups and viewing levels
  • A user-defined category structure, from simple one-level to complex multi-level categories
  • Installation improvements allowing for multiple extension installations in one package, updatable with a single click
  • Expanded language support for easy production of multi-lingual sites
  • Start and end publishing times for modules with more control over where they display,
  • Fresh new templates and semantic markup& to please the eye as well as the search engines
  • More creative control through template styles
  • Hundreds of additional features, streamlining workflow and productivity

With Joomla 1.6 developers will build extensions faster through all phases of design, deployment and updates.

Advanced and rich API’s will provide new opportunities to integrate, compete and expand into existing and new markets.

Maggiori informazioni su Joomla 1.6.0 sono disponibili a questa pagina. Download possibile da questa pagina.

Mer 05 Gen 2011     

Rilasciata la versione 7.0 di Drupal, cms open source scritto in php

Drupal 7 is a truly revolutionary release that saw both the size and diversity of our contributor community grow exponentially. Through the formation of and strong coordination among the Usability, Accessibility, and Design teams, Drupal 7 addresses a number of our project’s longest-standing limitations and opens up access for more people to enjoy the strong web publishing framework we have all come to love.
  • Vastly improved administrative user interface thanks to the D7UX movement
  • Flexible content and custom fields
  • Better visual presentation and theming with Render API
  • Accessibility is greatly improved
  • Image support is now included
  • Automated code testing
  • Improved database support
  • Better distribution support
  • Support for the Semantic Web through RDFa markup
  • Over 850 Drupal 7 contributed modules have met their #d7cx pledges.

La documentazione relativa alle api è disponibile a questa pagina, il download è possibile da questa pagina o direttamente da questo link:, altre informazioni sono disponibili a questa pagina, note di rilascio disponibili a questa pagina.
