Mar 18 Dic 2012     

Oracle ha effettuato l'update di Java 7 SDK. JDK 7u10 è adesso certificata per Mac OS X 10.8 e Windows 8.

The JDK 7u10 release includes the following enhancements:

  • The ability to disable any Java application from running in the browser. This mode can be set in the Java Control Panel or (on Microsoft Windows platform only) using a command-line install argument.
  • The ability to select the desired level of security for unsigned applets, Java Web Start applications, and embedded JavaFX applications that run in a browser. Four levels of security are supported. This feature can be set in the Java Control Panel or (on Microsoft Windows platform only) using a command-line install argument.
  • New dialogs to warn you when the JRE is insecure (either expired or below the security baseline) and needs to be updated.

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Ven 05 Ott 2012     

Il 29 ottobre a San Francisco Microsoft presenterà ufficialmente Windows Phone 8, nome in codice "Apollo", l'ultima versione del suo sistema operativo per dispositivi mobili. Lo stesso giorno Microsoft dovrebbe rendere disponibile agli sviluppatori il Windows Phone 8 SDK.

Qualche giorno prima, il 25 ottobre, a New York ci sarà la presentazione di Windows 8 e dei tablet Surface. A partire dalla mezzanotte del giorno dopo, 26 ottobre, saranno disponibili per la vendita.

Ven 10 Ago 2012     

Facebook ha rilasciato il SDK 3.0 per iOS, sistema operativo, sviluppato da Apple, per iPhone, iPod, iPad.

This SDK release includes a variety of pre-built user interface (UI) components for common functions. You can drop them into your apps quickly instead of building each one from scratch or using dialogs. This gives you a fast, native and consistent way to build common features.
Lun 05 Mar 2012     

Rilasciata la versione 7.1.1 di NetBeans, IDE (Integrated Development Environment) cross-platform sviluppato da Oracle e scritto in Java.

NetBeans IDE 7.1.1 is an update to NetBeans IDE 7.1 and includes the following changes:

  • Java ME SDK 3.0.5 support
  • Bundle GlassFish 3.1.2 update release
  • JavaFX 2.0.3 SDK support

Note: If you download and install a patch for Netbeans IDE 7.1, both Java ME SDK 3.0 and Glassfish 3.1.1 remain unchanged. These components get upgraded by running the Netbeans IDE 7.1.1 installer.

The following updates to the 7.1 release also apply to 7.1.1:

  • Batch refactoring tool for bulk changes in Java Editor
  • New UI Debugger for JavaFX and Swing
  • Support for WebLogic 12c
  • Improved support for CDI, EJB, JSF, Spring, Web Services
  • Subversion and Mercurial enhancements and bundled Git support
  • Maven enhancements
  • PHP enhancements
Gio 02 Feb 2012     

Annunciato il rilascio del Qt SDK 1.2

this is what is new in the Qt SDK:

  • Fixes for Qt Creator 2.4 in a new 2.4.1 patch update
  • Qt 4.8 for desktops delivering Qt Quick 1.1, Qt platform abstraction, Qt WebKit 2.2, and threaded OpenGL.
  • More Qt Mobility examples for Nokia N9 and Symbian devices
  • Ability to specify network proxy setting in the SDK Maintenance Tool
  • Update to the Symbian Complementary Package introducing Analyze Tool plugin and new CODA 1.0.6 installation package
  • An update to Notifications API improving the end user experience and fixing issues in the Nokia N9 implementation of the API.

Qt SDK 1.2 is available and provides:

  • Qt Creator 2.4.1: offering improvements in the C++ and QML editors, such as syntax highlighting in QML, and improved static QML code checking features.
  • Symbian target updates:
    • Updated Nokia AnalyzeTool plug-in to take full advantage of Qt Creator 2.4.
    • Added CODA 1.0.6 (on-device debugging) agent.
  • Updated MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan target.
  • Over 20 new Qt Mobility examples, which are now easily assessable from the Qt Creator welcome page.

The Qt SDK is available in the following versions and installation packages:

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Ven 07 Ott 2011     

NVidia ha rilasciato il SDK 3.1 di PhysX, download a partire da questa pagina del PhysX Developer Support


  • VC10 support has been introduced.
  • VC8 support has been discontinued.
  • Namespaces cleaned up.
  • Extensions, Character Controller and Vehicle source code made available in binary distribution.
  • Added x86,x64 suffix to PxTaskCUDA.dll
  • Removed boolean return value from PxScene::addActor(…), and similar API calls.
  • Added Mac OS X, Android and Linux to the list of supported platforms. See Supported Platforms below for details.
  • Upgraded GPU tech to CUDA 4.
  • Cleaned up a large number of warnings at C++ warning level 4, and set SDK to compile with warnings as errors.
  • Removed individual sample executables in favor of SampleAllInOne from PC and console builds.
  • Fixed alpha blending in samples.
  • Simplified some code in samples.
  • Improved ambient lighting in samples.
  • Made samples work with older graphics cards.
  • Renamed some XBOX 360 specific files and folders.
  • Improved and added more content the user’s guide.
  • No longer passing NULL pointers to user allocator to deallocate.
  • Various improvements to Foundation and classes shared with APEX.

Rigid Bodies

  • Rigid Body: High performance alternative convex narrow phase code available to source licensees. See PERSISTENT_CONTACT_MANIFOLD in the code.
  • Significant advancements in the continuous collision detection algorithm.
  • Optimizations and robustness improvements for articulations.
  • Added some helper code to the API.
  • Added sleep code for articulations.
  • Added support for vehicles with more than one chassis shape.
  • Solver iteration count for articulations.
  • Articulation limit padding configurable.
  • The reference count of meshes does now take the application’s reference into acount as well and thus has increased by 1 (it used to count the number of objects referencing the mesh only). Note that a mesh does only get destroyed and removed from the list of meshes once the reference count reaches 0.
  • Fixed autowake parameter sometimes being ignored.
  • Constraint solver optimizations.
  • Improved behavior of character controller on steep slopes.
  • Binary serialization now saves names.
  • Removed some descriptors from API.
  • Removed the angular velocity term in the joint positional drive error formula.
  • Fixed bug in capsule sweep versus mesh.
  • Fixed a crash bug in the tire model.
  • Fixed crashing of single link articulations.
  • Fixed bug related to removing elements of an aggregate.
  • Fixed swapped wheel graphs in sample vehicle.
  • Fixed some slow moving bodies falling asleep in midair.
  • Fixed missing collisions after a call to resetFiltering.
  • Fixed broken autowake option in setAngularVelocity.
  • Fixed D6 joint linear limits being uninitialized.
  • A large number of misc. bug fixes and optimizations.
  • Improved documentation and error messages associated with running out of narrow phase buffer blocks.
  • Added articulation documentation.
  • Expanded manual sections on joints.
  • Improved reference doc for PxSceneQueryHitType.
  • Added reference doc for PxSerializable.


  • Particle index allocation removed from SDK. Added index allocation pool to extensions.
  • Replaced GPU specific side band API PxPhysicsGpu and PxPhysics::getPhysicsGpu() with PxParticleGpu.
  • Memory optimizations on all platforms and options to reduce memory usage according to use case with new per particle system flags:
  • Fixed rare crash appearing with multi-threaded non-GPU particle systems and rigid bodies.
  • Fixed particles leaking through triangle mesh geometry on GPU.
  • Fixed fast particles tunneling through scene geometry in some cases.
  • Fixed erroneous collision of particles with teleporting rigid shapes (setGlobalPose).
  • Fixed particle sample behavior with some older GPU models.
  • Fixed a GPU particle crash bug.


  • A new solution for simulating cloth and clothing.


  • Deformables are deprecated and will be removed in the next release. There is a new optimized solution for clothing simulation (see documentation on PxCloth for details).
Mar 04 Ott 2011     

Rilasciata la versione beta di NetBeans 7.1, la nuova versione supporterà JavaFX 2.0 e CSS3

NetBeans IDE 7.1 is a significant update to NetBeans IDE 7.0.1 and includes the following changes:

  • New refactoring user interface in Java Editor
  • New GUI Debugger
  • JavaFX 2.0 SDK support
  • Improved support for CDI, GlassFish, EJB, JSF, Spring, Web Services authentication and WebLogic
  • Subversion and Mercurial enhancements and finalized Git support
  • PHP related enhancements
  • GUI Builder improvements

Download da questa pagina.

Mar 04 Ott 2011     

Oracle ha rilasciato JavaFX 2.0. L'annuncio è stato dato al JavaOne 2011 in corso a San Francisco, tre anni dopo la presentazione di JavaFX al JavaOne 2008, e due anni e mezzo dopo il rilascio della prima versione di JavaFX.
JavaFX è una famiglia di prodotti basati sulla tecnologia Java che consentono lo sviluppo di Rich Internet Application (RIA).

Oracle ha intenzione di continuare lo sviluppo della piattaforma JavaFX come un progetto open source che sia parte di OpenJDK. Il codice sorgente di JavaFX sarà rilasciato sotto licenza GPL v2 con l'eccezione Classpath, come per gli altri progetti in OpenJDK. JavaFX runtime e il SDK continueranno ad essere rilasciati sotto la Java binary code license.
Il download di JavaFX 2.0 è possibile da questa pagina per sistemi Windows. Il rilascio di JavaFX per Linux è stato pianificato per la fine del 2012.

La documentazione relativa a JavaFX 2.0 è disponibile a partire da questa pagina, in particolare la documentazione sulle API è disponibile a questo indirizzo.

Gio 29 Set 2011     

Intel ha rilasciato il SDK 1.5 di OpenCL. Download del SDK per sistemi Windows e Linux a partire da questa pagina.

Performance Enhancements

  • Intel® Advanced Vector Extensions (AVX) code generation – full utilization of the Intel® 2nd generation Core™ Processors SIMD vector width.
  • Improved barriers – performance improvement when using the built-in work-group barrier function.

OpenCL Runtime Features

  • New Intel extension: cl_intel_immediate_execution – Immediate Command Execution is an extension which enables you to execute OpenCL commands in a single-threaded manner, using the calling thread to perform the actual execution.

OpenCL Development Tools

  • Intel® OpenCL SDK Debugger (beta version) – The Intel® OpenCL SDK Debugger is a Microsoft* Visual Studio* 2008 plug-in, which enables you to set breakpoints inside OpenCL kernels, examine values of variables, memory and stack trace.
  • Intel® Graphics Performance Analyzers 4.2 (Intel® GPA) support of Intel® OpenCL SDK 1.5 provides full coverage of OpenCL on CPU profiling, including:
    distribution of the OpenCL commands and kernels, flow and dependencies between commands, duration of commands and kernels execution.
  • New features in the Intel® OpenCL SDK Offline Compiler: Linux* OS support
Mar 09 Ago 2011     

HTC, produttore di dispositivi mobili (smartphone), ha annunciato il lancio di un nuovo portale dedicato agli sviluppatori. Il nuovo sito sostituisce il precedente developer center Sul nuovo sito, HTCDev, saranno a disposizione tra le altre cose il codice sorgente e i binari del kernel,  e il SDK HTC OpenSense.
