Oracle ha effettuato l'update di Java 7 SDK. JDK 7u10 è adesso certificata per Mac OS X 10.8 e Windows 8.
The JDK 7u10 release includes the following enhancements:
- The ability to disable any Java application from running in the browser. This mode can be set in the Java Control Panel or (on Microsoft Windows platform only) using a command-line install argument.
- The ability to select the desired level of security for unsigned applets, Java Web Start applications, and embedded JavaFX applications that run in a browser. Four levels of security are supported. This feature can be set in the Java Control Panel or (on Microsoft Windows platform only) using a command-line install argument.
- New dialogs to warn you when the JRE is insecure (either expired or below the security baseline) and needs to be updated.
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