Mar 18 Dic 2012     

Oracle ha effettuato l'update di Java 7 SDK. JDK 7u10 è adesso certificata per Mac OS X 10.8 e Windows 8.

The JDK 7u10 release includes the following enhancements:

  • The ability to disable any Java application from running in the browser. This mode can be set in the Java Control Panel or (on Microsoft Windows platform only) using a command-line install argument.
  • The ability to select the desired level of security for unsigned applets, Java Web Start applications, and embedded JavaFX applications that run in a browser. Four levels of security are supported. This feature can be set in the Java Control Panel or (on Microsoft Windows platform only) using a command-line install argument.
  • New dialogs to warn you when the JRE is insecure (either expired or below the security baseline) and needs to be updated.

Download a partire da questa pagina.

Sab 30 Lug 2011     

Come anticipato Oracle ha rilasciato Java SE 7 (Java Standard Edition 7) a fine luglio. Java 7 è la prima versione di Java gestita interamente da Oracle, ed è stata accompagnata da vivaci polemiche. Download della nuova versione di Java (JDK e JRE) a partire da questa pagina.

Java SE 7 delivers:
  • Language changes to help increase developer productivity and simplify common programming tasks by reducing the amount of code needed, clarifying syntax and making code easier to read. (JSR 334: Project Coin)
  • Improved support for dynamic languages (including: Ruby, Python and JavaScript), resulting in substantial performance increases on the JVM. (JSR 292: InvokeDynamic)
  • A new multicore-ready API that enables developers to more easily decompose problems into tasks that can then be executed in parallel across arbitrary numbers of processor cores. (JSR 166: Fork/Join Framework)
  • A comprehensive I/O interface for working with file systems that can access a wider array of file attributes and offer more information when errors occur. (JSR 203: NIO.2)
  • New networking and security features
  • Expanded support for internationalization, including Unicode 6.0 support
  • Updated versions of numerous libraries

Il rilascio di Java 7 EE (Enterprise Edition) è previsto per il terzo trimestre del 2012.