Annunciato il rilascio della distribuzione Linux openSuse 13.1
Cari contributori, amici e sostenitori: la nuova versione di openSUSE è tra noi! Otto mesi di pianificazioni, creazione pacchetti, aggiunte di funzionalità, test e risoluzione di numerose questioni vi hanno consegnato ciò che di meglio il Software Libero e Open Source ha da offrire, con il tocco verde tipico di openSUSE: stabile e strabiliante.
openSUSE si evolve con il supporto ARM AArch64 in GCC e glibc che rende openSUSE pronta per lo sviluppo sui dispositivi ARM di prossima generazione. Questo rilascio include anche GCC 4.8 con nuove capacità di segnalazione degli errori, la più recente glibc che supporta C11 e Intel TSX Lock Elision, il nuovo SDL2 e Qt 5.1 che offre le funzionalità di QML e C++11 agli sviluppatori.
Download a partire da questa pagina, note di rilascio a questa pagina.
openSUSE-13.1-DVD-x86_64.iso (4.361MB), openSUSE-13.1-KDE-Live-x86_64.iso (942MB), openSUSE-13.1-GNOME-Live-x86_64.iso (947MB).
Lars Knoll, Qt Chief architect di Digia (software house finlandese che ha acquisito Qt da Nokia), ha annunciato la disponibilità della release candidate di Qt 5.0
I'm very happy to announce that the first release candidate for Qt 5.0.0 has just been released.
We have been completely restructuring the Qt documentation to make it easier to access. Please have a look and check out the new docs. We hope that they will make it easier to find your way and access the information you’re searching for.
The examples have also received a lot of love to make sure it is easy to get started with Qt. They can be easily accessed, build and launched from Qt Creator’s Welcome screen.
A final set of a few additional API changes has also made it into the release candidate. This release fixes the API set for Qt 5.0. Between now and the final release we will only make very minor adjustments to the API.
La lista dei cambiamenti introdotti in questa versione rispetto alla 4.0 si trova a questa pagina. La documentazione è disponibile a questa pagina. Il download della RC per Windows, Linux e Mac OS X è possibile da questa pagina.
Il team di sviluppo di OpenSuse ha rilasciato la prima milestone di OpenSuse 12.3
Good news! openSUSE Milestone 0 of openSUSE 12.3 is out!
a quick overview of the latest changes in Factory:
- KDE is updated to 4.9.1 release
- Glibc is updated to 2.16 release
- Kernel is updated to 3.6.0-rc7
- updated to 1.13 release
- All video drivers are updated to latest stable release (or snapshot).
- Mesa updated to upcoming v9 snapshot.
- DRM libraries updated to 2.4.33 release
- Qt updated to 4.8.2 release.
- Emacs updated to 24.2 release.
- OpenJDK updated to release
- Banshee media player is updated to 2.5.1 release.
- zsh is updated to 5.0 release
- SourceCodePro font from Adobe is now available among other new font packages.
- Support for OPUS codec added via libopus
- jpeg-turbo is now the default jpegv8 implementation, jpegv6 is dropped.
Digia, società di software e servizi finlandese, che in precedenza aveva acquistato da Nokia le attività commerciali e di sviluppo di Qt (libreria multipiattaforma open source), ha annunciato che sta acquisendo l'intera azienda e le attività Qt da Nokia.
Digia, the software powerhouse listed on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki exchange (DIG1V), today announced that it has signed an agreement to acquire Qt software technologies and Qt business from Nokia. Following the acquisition Digia becomes responsible for all the Qt activities formerly carried out by Nokia. These include product development, as well as the commercial and open source licensing and service business. Following the acquisition, Digia plans to quickly enable Qt on Android, iOS and Windows 8 platforms.
L'accordo renderà Digia responsabile di tutte le attivitàprecedenti di Qt, tra cui lo sviluppo di prodotti, servizi, e le licenze commerciali e open source. La società stima che oltre 450.000 sviluppatori e "migliaia di aziende" hanno usato Qt.
Inoltre una volta acquisita Qt, Digia prevede di "attivare rapidamente Qt sulle piattaforme Android, iOS e Windows 8".
Non sono note al momento le cifre dell'operazione, secondo l'agenzia di stampa Reuters la cifra sborsata da Digia sarebbe minore rispetto ai 150 milioni di dollari che Nokia aveva pagato a Trolltech nel 2008 per acquisire Qt.
Rilasciata la prima beta di openSuse 12.2
On the graphical side this milestone now features gimp 2.8 (with single window option) and the latest updates to GNOME and KDE packages (including Qt 4.8.1 and KDE SC 4.8.3, GNOME 3.4.2). Heavy work has been going on in the area of bringing Xorg 12.1 and split-up Xorg packages to Factory. Moving from there, the new graphical stack combined with the new compiler tools (llvm, GCC 4.7) and the new Mesa can bring cool new stuff: llvmpipe bringing gnome-shell to non-accelerated systems and the svga gallium driver featuring 3D support to VMware VMs. We have switched from the old bootsplash to the modern Plymouth with our own plymouth openSUSE theme.
Download da questa pagina.
Annunciato il rilascio di Sabayon Linux 8.
- The first and best way to try a Gentoo-based Linux distribution at its full power, with all working out-of-the-box and no compilation needed at all
- Faster, cleaner and more evolved than any other rolling distro out there: we work hard to bring you the most stable rolling release experience
- Keep up-to-date your system in minutes while maintaining full Gentoo Portage compatibility
- Focusing on performance: GCC 4.6 with Graphite Loop Transformation infrastructure and Link Time Optimizations enabled
- Always up-to-date Linux Kernel 3.2 (and experimental "Fusion" Kernels available in repositories)
- Providing extra Server-oriented Linux kernels (OpenVZ, Vserver, Generic Server)
- Natively supporting the btrfs file system (besides ext4, aufs, and others)
- Transform Sabayon into an full-featured HTPC Operating System (Media Center) using XBMC 10.1 (11.0 available soon)
- GNOME 3.2.2 Visual Environment
- KDE 4.7.4 Desktop Environment (4.8.0 available in a few days)
- Improved Xfce 4.8 out-of-the-box experience (for those missing GNOME2)
- Improved LibreOffice integration, updated to 3.4.4
- Migrated to libav as ffmpeg replacement
- Migrated to Java 7 and Subversion 1.7
- Cinnamon and Razor Qt available in repositories
- Entropy Framework (Package Manager, Web Services) updated to 1.0_rc86, consolidating stability and performance
- Support for IME and non-roman fonts at install time
- Support for non-latin languages at install time
- More than 12000 packages available for x86_64, i686
Download dai mirror indicati a questa pagina.
Annunciato il rilascio del Qt SDK 1.2
this is what is new in the Qt SDK:
- Fixes for Qt Creator 2.4 in a new 2.4.1 patch update
- Qt 4.8 for desktops delivering Qt Quick 1.1, Qt platform abstraction, Qt WebKit 2.2, and threaded OpenGL.
- More Qt Mobility examples for Nokia N9 and Symbian devices
- Ability to specify network proxy setting in the SDK Maintenance Tool
- Update to the Symbian Complementary Package introducing Analyze Tool plugin and new CODA 1.0.6 installation package
- An update to Notifications API improving the end user experience and fixing issues in the Nokia N9 implementation of the API.
Qt SDK 1.2 is available and provides:
- Qt Creator 2.4.1: offering improvements in the C++ and QML editors, such as syntax highlighting in QML, and improved static QML code checking features.
- Symbian target updates:
- Updated Nokia AnalyzeTool plug-in to take full advantage of Qt Creator 2.4.
- Added CODA 1.0.6 (on-device debugging) agent.
- Updated MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan target.
- Over 20 new Qt Mobility examples, which are now easily assessable from the Qt Creator welcome page.
The Qt SDK is available in the following versions and installation packages:
- 32- or 64-bit Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2, Windows Vista, or Windows 7.
- 32-bit Ubuntu Linux 10.04 or later.
- 64-bit Ubuntu Linux 10.04 or later.
- 64-bit Apple Mac OS X 10.6 or later.
Download a partire da questa pagina.
Annunciato il rilascio di Gentoo Linux 11.2 LiveDVD. Download a partire da questa pagina per sistemi x86, da questa pagina per sistemi amd.
The LiveDVD features a superb list of packages, some of which are listed below.
- System packages include: Linux kernel 3.0 (with Gentoo patches), Accessibility Support with Speakup, Bash 4.2, GLIBC 2.13-r2, GCC 4.5.2, Binutils 2.21.1, Python 2.7.2 and 3.2, Perl 5.12.4, and more.
- Desktop environments and window managers include: KDE 4.7.0, GNOME 3.0.0, Xfce 4.8, Enlightenment 1.0.8, Openbox 3.5.0, Fluxbox 1.3.1, XBMC 10.1 Awesome 3.4.10, and LXDE-Meta 0.5.5.
- Office, graphics, and productivity applications include: LibreOffice 3.3.3, XEmacs 21.5.31 GVim 7.3.244, Abiword 2.8.6, Scribus 1.3.9, GIMP 2.6.11, Inkscape 0.48.2, Blender 2.57, XSane 0.998, and much more.
- Web browsers include: Mozilla Firefox 5.0, Chromium 13.0 Arora 0.11.0, Opera 11.50.1074, Epiphany 3.0.4, Seamonkey 2.2, and other favorites.
- Communication tools include: Pidgin 2.9.0, Quassel 0.7.2, Mozilla Thunderbird 5.0, Claws Mail 3.7.9, QTwitter 0.10.0, Irssi 0.8.15, and many more.
- Development applications include: KDevelop 4.2.3, KDESvn 1.5.5, Qt-creator 2.2.1, Bluefish 2.0.3, and many more.
- Multimedia applications include: Amarok 2.4.3, MPlayer 1.0_rc4, MPlayer2 2.0, DVDAuthor 0.6.14, LAME 3.98.4, FFmpeg 0.6.90, GNOME-MPlayer 1.0.4, SMPlayer 0.6.9, and several others.
Nokia ha annunciato il rilascio di una technology preview di Qt 4.8. Il codice sorgente è disponibile per il download in formato zip, e in formato tar.gz qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.0-tp.tar.gz. Il rilascio della beta di Qt 4.8 è previsto nelle prossime settimane, mentre il rilascio della versione finale è previsto per la seconda metà del 2011.
Qt 4.8 will be a release containing a lot of quality and performance improvements that were carried out during the last 12 months, such as File System performance improvements. It also includes the Qt Platform Abstraction (Lighthouse) feature, which enables easier porting of Qt into new graphics systems for third parties. Today’s Technology Preview is released to get your feedback, comments and improvement ideas.
Packages – Qt 4.8 Technology Preview
The Qt 4.8 Tech Preview packages available today have been tested with Windows 7, Mac OS X 10.6, Linux and Symbian^3.Supported platforms for Qt 4.8
Targets for Qt 4.8 will be announced in due course. As a reminder and a guide, the supported platforms for Qt 4.7 are available here
Nokia ha annunciato il rilascio di una technology preview di Qt SDK 1.1, la prossima edizione del kit di sviluppo software per il framework di interfaccia utente Qt.
The target of the Qt SDK 1.1 is to easily get started with Qt Quick development on Symbian, Maemo5 and the desktop. Specifically this means
- Qt Creator 2.1RC, which includes the first iteration of tooling support for Qt Quick. For all details, check our latest post about Qt Creator
- Qt 4.7.1 for Symbian (Symbian^1 and Symbian^3) is bundled in the toolchain and is also available as sis packages to install on your phone.
- Qt Mobility 1.1 for Symbian targets (both Symbian^1 and Symbian^3) adding many new features and fixes
- The N900 target allows development with Qt 4.7
- Qt Simulator uses Qt 4.7.1 as well as Qt Mobility 1.1 as a basis for development