Nokia ha annunciato il rilascio di una technology preview di Qt 4.8. Il codice sorgente è disponibile per il download in formato zip, e in formato tar.gz qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.0-tp.tar.gz. Il rilascio della beta di Qt 4.8 è previsto nelle prossime settimane, mentre il rilascio della versione finale è previsto per la seconda metà del 2011.
Qt 4.8 will be a release containing a lot of quality and performance improvements that were carried out during the last 12 months, such as File System performance improvements. It also includes the Qt Platform Abstraction (Lighthouse) feature, which enables easier porting of Qt into new graphics systems for third parties. Today’s Technology Preview is released to get your feedback, comments and improvement ideas.
Packages – Qt 4.8 Technology Preview
The Qt 4.8 Tech Preview packages available today have been tested with Windows 7, Mac OS X 10.6, Linux and Symbian^3.Supported platforms for Qt 4.8
Targets for Qt 4.8 will be announced in due course. As a reminder and a guide, the supported platforms for Qt 4.7 are available here
- Rilasciata Qt SDK 1.2
- Zorin OS 6
- Qt 5.0 Release Candidate
- Windows 7 girerà sul 42% dei PC entro la fine del 2011
- Rilasciato VirtualBox 4.1.4
- Nokia rilascia una technology preview di Qt SDK 1.1
- Rilasciato Sabayon Linux 8
- Google Chrome 28.0.1500.95
- Rilasciato Google Chrome 17.0.963.78
- Google Chrome Beta 24.0.1312.32
- Google Chrome 30.0.1599.66
- Rilasciata l'anteprima della piattaforma Android 3.0, e il SDK
- Rilasciato Safari 5.0.4
- Google Chrome Dev 33.0.1707.0
- VirtualBox 4.1.18