Gio 29 Set 2011     

Intel ha rilasciato il SDK 1.5 di OpenCL. Download del SDK per sistemi Windows e Linux a partire da questa pagina.

Performance Enhancements

  • Intel® Advanced Vector Extensions (AVX) code generation – full utilization of the Intel® 2nd generation Core™ Processors SIMD vector width.
  • Improved barriers – performance improvement when using the built-in work-group barrier function.

OpenCL Runtime Features

  • New Intel extension: cl_intel_immediate_execution – Immediate Command Execution is an extension which enables you to execute OpenCL commands in a single-threaded manner, using the calling thread to perform the actual execution.

OpenCL Development Tools

  • Intel® OpenCL SDK Debugger (beta version) – The Intel® OpenCL SDK Debugger is a Microsoft* Visual Studio* 2008 plug-in, which enables you to set breakpoints inside OpenCL kernels, examine values of variables, memory and stack trace.
  • Intel® Graphics Performance Analyzers 4.2 (Intel® GPA) support of Intel® OpenCL SDK 1.5 provides full coverage of OpenCL on CPU profiling, including:
    distribution of the OpenCL commands and kernels, flow and dependencies between commands, duration of commands and kernels execution.
  • New features in the Intel® OpenCL SDK Offline Compiler: Linux* OS support
Ven 18 Mar 2011     

Microsoft ha rilasciato la seconda beta di Visual Studio 2010 LightSwitch. Il download della beta, disponibile nelle lingue inglese e tedesco, è possibile da questa pagina.

Sab 12 Mar 2011     

Microsoft ha annunciato il rilascio del service pack 1 di Visual Studio 2010

I’m happy to announce that as of 10:00 AM PST the final version of the Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack 1 (SP1) is available for download!
As described with the SP1 Beta post, in this release we have addressed some of the most requested features from customers of Visual Studio 2010 like better help support, IntelliTrace support for 64bit and SharePoint, and included Silverlight 4 Tools in the box. We also added unit testing support on .NET 3.5 and a new performance wizard for Silverlight, among other changes.

Download: webinstaller, immagine ISO, Team Foundation Server 2010 SP1.
A questa pagina è disponibile il readme, a questa pagina le informazioni sulla compatibilità.