Gio 02 Giu 2011

Annunciato il rilascio della terza beta di Mandriva Linux

Among the highlights of this release, the following items are present:

  • from now on, the image contains non-free software for improved desktop experience, such as dkms drivers and non-free firmware for improved out-of-the-box functionality of peripheral devices
  • new UI theme for widgets, KDM and KDE environment, developed by ROSA Labs, is provided by default
  • new features in system panel (rosapanel), stack folders and system start menu (SimpleWelcome, also known as ROSA Starter),
  • new TimeFrame feature, powered by nepomuk technology, which provides semantic desktop capabilities to the initial menu, allowing you to easily browse your files by date
  • new dolphin file browsing interface
  • a mass-rebuilding procedure was carried out to improve the system stability for supported packages
  • and, of course, lots of bugfixes and package updates

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