Gio 07 Giu 2012
Rilasciata la prima alpha di Ubuntu 12.10, codename 'Quantal Quetzal'. Note di rilascio disponibili a questa pagina
Linux kernel3.4
Quantal Alpha-1 includes the 3.4.0-5.11 Ubuntu kernel which was based on the...
Gio 07 Giu 2012
La foundation ha annunciato il rilascio di X11R7.7, release 7.7 di X Window System. Questa release è parte delle celebrazioni per il 25esimo anniversario del rilascio di X Window System version 11, avvenuto il 15...
Gio 07 Giu 2012
Nuovo update per Google Chrome beta
The Beta channel has been updated to 20.0.1132.27 for Windows, Mac, Linux, and Chrome Frame. This build contains updates to v8 ( and fixes for bugs and stability.
Gio 07 Giu 2012
Rilasciata la prima beta di openSuse 12.2
On the graphical side this milestone now features gimp 2.8 (with single window option) and the latest updates to GNOME and KDE packages (including Qt 4.8.1 and KDE SC 4.8.3, GNOME...
Gio 31 Mag 2012
Rilasciata la nuova versione di Parted Magic
This release updates clonezilla-1.2.12-60, ntfs-3g_ntfsprogs-2012.1.15AR.5, partclone-0.2.48, testdisk-6.14-WIP, bash-4.2.024, lxinput-0.3.2, menu-cache-0.3.3, xmms2-0.8DrO_o,...
Gio 24 Mag 2012
Annunciato il rilascio di Linux Mint 13, codename "Maya"
The team is proud to announce the release of Linux Mint 13 "Maya".
Available in two editions, Linux Mint 13 features the choice between a productive, stable and mature...
Mar 22 Mag 2012
Rilasciato VirtualBox 4.1.16, software freeware di virtualizzazione per sistemi Windows, Linux, Mac OS X. Download da questa pagina.
This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or...
Mar 22 Mag 2012
Nuovo aggiornamento rilasciato da Google per il canale Dev del suo browser Chrome, per sistemi Windows, Linux e Mac OS X
The Dev channel has been updated to 21.0.1145.0 for Windows, Mac and Linux platformsAll
Updated V8 -...
Lun 21 Mag 2012
Annunciato il rilascio del Kernel Linux 3.4.
I just pushed out the 3.4 release. Nothing really exciting happened since -rc7, although the workaround for a linker bug on x86 is larger than I'd have liked at this stage, and...
Lun 21 Mag 2012
Rilasciata la release candidate di Zorin OS 6, distribuzione Linux basata su Ubuntu
After a long year of development, The Zorin OS Team are very proud to release the Zorin OS 6 Core Release Candidate, the pre-release version...