Mar 18 Nov 2014     

Annunciato il rilascio di PC-BSD 10.1

The PC-BSD team is pleased to announce the availability of PC-BSD 10.1.

Highlights: KDE 4.14.2, GNOME 3.12.2, Cinnamon 2.2.16, Chromium 38.0.2125.104, Firefox 33.1, NVIDIA Driver 340.24, Lumina desktop 0.7.1-beta, pkg 1.3.8; new AppCafe HTML5 web/remote interface for both desktop and server usage; new CD-sized text-installer ISO files for TrueOS and server deployments; new Centos 6.6 Linux emulation base; new HostAP mode for WiFi GUI utilities; UEFI support for boot and installation; automatic tuning of ZFS memory usage at install time; support for full-disk (GELI) encryption without an unencrypted /boot partition (also on mirror/raidz setups!); new VirtualBox, VMware and RAW disk images of desktop and server installations.

Download a partire da questa pagina.

Gio 06 Giu 2013     

Rilasciata la nuova beta di Firefox 22

Windows: Firefox now follows display scaling options to render text larger on high-res displays
WebRTC is now enabled by default!
Mac OS X: Download progress in Dock application icon
HTML5 audio/video playback rate can now be changed
Social services management implemented in Add-ons Manager
asm.js optimizations (OdinMonkey) enabled for major performance improvements
Improved WebGL rendering performance through asynchronous canvas updates
Plain text files displayed within Firefox will now word-wrap
For user security, the |Components| object is no longer accessible from web content
Improved memory usage and display time when rendering images
Pointer Lock API can now be used outside of fullscreen
CSS3 Flexbox implemented and enabled by default
New Web Notifications API implemented
Added clipboardData API for JavaScript access to a user's clipboard
New built-in font inspector
New HTML5 and elements
Scrolling using some high-resolution-scroll aware touchpads feels slow (829952)

Gio 30 Mag 2013     

Rilasciata la nuova versione di Linux Mint, nome in codice "Olivia", distribuzione Linux basata su Ubuntu.

Linux Mint 15 is the most ambitious release since the start of the project. MATE 1.6 is greatly improved and Cinnamon 1.8 offers a ton of new features, including a screensaver and a unified control center. The login screen can now be themed in HTML5 and two new tools, "Software Sources" and "Driver Manager", make their first appearance in Linux Mint.

Linux Mint 15 è basata su Ubuntu 13.04. Una lista completa delle novità di questa versione è disponibile a questa pagina. Note di rilascio a questa pagina. Download a partire da questa pagina.

Mar 18 Dic 2012     

Il World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) ha annunciato che le specifiche per HTML5 e CANVAS 2D, reperibili rispettivamente a questa pagina e a questa pagina, sono state completate e sono adesso "Candidate Recommendations". Questo non significa che sono già uno standard, ma che gli sviluppatori possono usare queste specifiche per l'implementazione e la pianificazione.

HTML5 è la pietra angolare della Open Web Platform, un ambiente di programmazione completo per applicazioni cross-platform con accesso alle funzionalità del dispositivo, video e animazioni, grafica, stile, tipografia, e altri strumenti per l'editoria digitale, capacità di rete estese, e altro ancora.

W3C ora intraprenderà la fase di standardizzazione dedicata alla interoperabilità e test. Durante questa fase, il W3C HTML Working Group effettuerà una serie di attività per garantire che le specifiche possano essere implementate con tutti i browser, client e-mail, server, sistemi di gestione dei contenuti (CMS), ecc. L'HTML Working Group ha la durata di questa fase fino alla metà del 2014, dopo di che il W3C prevede di pubblicare la raccomandazione finale HTML5.

W3C ha inoltre annunciato il rilascio della prima bozza per HTML 5.1 (disponibile a questa pagina) e Canvas 2D livello 2 (disponibile a questa pagina).

Sab 01 Dic 2012     

Rilasciata nuova versione di Firefox

FIXED 17.0.1: Font rendering issue in Firefox 17.0 (bug 814101)
FIXED 17.0.1: Reverted user agent change causing some website incompatibilities

NEW First revision of the Social API and support for Facebook Messenger
NEW Click-to-play blocklisting implemented to prevent vulnerable plugin versions from running without the user's permission (see blog post)

CHANGED Updated Awesome Bar experience with larger icons
CHANGED Mac OS X 10.5 is no longer supported

DEVELOPER JavaScript Maps and Sets are now iterable
DEVELOPER SVG FillPaint and StrokePaint implemented
DEVELOPER Improvements that make the Web Console, Debugger and Developer Toolbar faster and easier to use
DEVELOPER New Markup panel in the Page Inspector allows easy editing of the DOM

HTML5 Sandbox attribute for iframes implemented, enabling increased security

FIXED Over twenty performance improvements, including fixes around the New Tab page
FIXED 17.0.1: Leaving Private Browsing with Social API enabled should reset social components (814554)
FIXED Pointer lock doesn't work in web apps (769150)
FIXED Page scrolling on sites with fixed headers (780345)

Known Issues

UNRESOLVED If you try to start Firefox using a locked profile, it will crash (see 573369)
UNRESOLVED For some users, scrolling in the main GMail window will be slower than usual (see 579260)
UNRESOLVED Windows: The use of Microsoft's System Restore functionality shortly after updating Firefox may prevent future updates (see 730285)

Ven 17 Feb 2012     

Mozilla ha rilasciato la versione 10.0.2 del suo browser web Firefox. Note di rilascio disponibili a questa pagina


  • FIXED: Security fixes
  • FIXED: Java applets sometimes caused text input to become unresponsive
  • NEW: Most add-ons are now compatible with new versions of Firefox by default
  • NEW: The forward button is now hidden until you navigate back
  • NEW: Anti-Aliasing for WebGL is now implemented
  • NEW: CSS3 3D-Transforms are now supported
  • HTML5: New element for bi-directional text isolation, along with supporting CSS properties
  • HTML5: Full Screen APIs allow you to build a web application that runs full screen
  • DEVELOPER: We've added IndexedDB APIs to more closely match the specification
  • DEVELOPER: Inspect tool with content highlighting, includes new CSS Style Inspector
  • FIXED: Some users may experience a crash when moving bookmarks
  • FIXED:Silverlight video may not play on some Macintosh hardware

Download da questa pagina

Mar 02 Ago 2011     

Rilasciata la versione 7.0.1 di NetBeans, la nuova versione è certificata per la versione finale di Java 7 rilasciata qualche giorno fa. NetBeans 7.0 era stato rilasciato ad aprile. Le note di rilascio sono disponibili a questa pagina, il download è possibile da questa pagina.

NetBeans IDE 7.0.1 is an update to NetBeans IDE 7.0 and includes the following changes:

  • Full certification on the final release of JDK 7
  • Bundle GlassFish 3.1.1 update release
  • WebLogic related enhancements
  • Significant quality increase

The following updates to the 7.0 release also apply to 7.0.1:

  • Oracle Database improvements
  • HTML5 editing support
  • Maven 3 is supported and bundled with the IDE
  • Improved support for CDI, REST services, Java Persistence, and Bean Validation
  • PHP Rename Refactoring
  • Line wrapping
  • Improved detection of external changes (native file system listening)
  • Updates to the C/C++ support (remote file system browsing, library projects running/debugging, enhanced templates/specializations)
  • Support for Git 1.7.х
  • Additional enhancements are listed at the NetBeans IDE 7.0 page
Sab 28 Mag 2011     

Mozilla ha annunciato l'inserimento della nuova versione del suo browser Firefox nel canale Aurora (il "Dev channel" di Firefox). Il download è possibile da questo link

The new features in Firefox Aurora give users and Web developers more control over their browsing and development environments while improving overall performance.

Features include:

  • Data Management Window is an experimental feature that provides control over the the access that specific websites have to your browsing data, including cookies, passwords and location information. To start testing this feature type “about:permissions” in the Awesome Bar (URL Bar).
  • Add-ons Manager with Plugin Check quickly verifies the compatibility of installed plugins directly from the Add-Ons Manager.
  • Panorama Groups on Demand improves browser startup time and overall experience by allowing power Panorama users to load saved tab groups only when using Panorama.

Web developers will also find a new set of tools in this release like Scratchpad, Web Console, Web Developer Menu and more.

  • The Scratchpad lets developers quickly build and test JavaScript snippets in the browser.
  • Web Console adds the ability to move the console to other parts of the window or break out into a separate window.
  • Web Developer Menu provides access to developer tools from the Firefox Aurora Menu Button

Firefox Aurora has additional support for HTML5, DOM level 3, server-sent events, networking technologies and other tools that make it easier for developers build advanced Web apps.

Lun 23 Mag 2011     

Dopo oltre 3 anni di sviluppo le specifiche di HTML5 hanno raggiunto lo stato di "Last Call" dopo una votazione che ha visto 95 si, 9 no e 6 astenuti. Pur non essendo ancora ufficialmente uno standard, HTML5 è già in uso in diversi browser come Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera.

Sab 21 Mag 2011     

Mozilla procede sulla strada che porterà al rilascio della versione finale di Firefox 5 il prossimo 21 giugno rilasciando la seconda beta

The latest version of Firefox Beta has the following changes:

  • Added support for  CSS animations
  • Added support for  switching Firefox development channels
  • The  Do-Not-Track  header preference has been moved to increase discoverability
  • Improved canvas, JavaScript, memory, and networking performance
  • Improved standards support for HTML5, XHR, MathML, SMIL, and canvas
  • Improved spell checking for some locales
  • Improved desktop environment integration for Linux users

Le note di rilascio sono disponibili a questa pagina, il download è possibile da questa pagina.
