Mar 18 Nov 2014     

Annunciato il rilascio di PC-BSD 10.1

The PC-BSD team is pleased to announce the availability of PC-BSD 10.1.

Highlights: KDE 4.14.2, GNOME 3.12.2, Cinnamon 2.2.16, Chromium 38.0.2125.104, Firefox 33.1, NVIDIA Driver 340.24, Lumina desktop 0.7.1-beta, pkg 1.3.8; new AppCafe HTML5 web/remote interface for both desktop and server usage; new CD-sized text-installer ISO files for TrueOS and server deployments; new Centos 6.6 Linux emulation base; new HostAP mode for WiFi GUI utilities; UEFI support for boot and installation; automatic tuning of ZFS memory usage at install time; support for full-disk (GELI) encryption without an unencrypted /boot partition (also on mirror/raidz setups!); new VirtualBox, VMware and RAW disk images of desktop and server installations.

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Mar 18 Dic 2012     

Il World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) ha annunciato che le specifiche per HTML5 e CANVAS 2D, reperibili rispettivamente a questa pagina e a questa pagina, sono state completate e sono adesso "Candidate Recommendations". Questo non significa che sono già uno standard, ma che gli sviluppatori possono usare queste specifiche per l'implementazione e la pianificazione.

HTML5 è la pietra angolare della Open Web Platform, un ambiente di programmazione completo per applicazioni cross-platform con accesso alle funzionalità del dispositivo, video e animazioni, grafica, stile, tipografia, e altri strumenti per l'editoria digitale, capacità di rete estese, e altro ancora.

W3C ora intraprenderà la fase di standardizzazione dedicata alla interoperabilità e test. Durante questa fase, il W3C HTML Working Group effettuerà una serie di attività per garantire che le specifiche possano essere implementate con tutti i browser, client e-mail, server, sistemi di gestione dei contenuti (CMS), ecc. L'HTML Working Group ha la durata di questa fase fino alla metà del 2014, dopo di che il W3C prevede di pubblicare la raccomandazione finale HTML5.

W3C ha inoltre annunciato il rilascio della prima bozza per HTML 5.1 (disponibile a questa pagina) e Canvas 2D livello 2 (disponibile a questa pagina).

Mer 12 Dic 2012     

Il team di Samba ha annunciato il rilascio della versione 4.0.

Major enhancements in Samba 4.0.0 include:

Active Directory services

Samba 4.0 supports the server-side of the Active Directory logon environment used by Windows 2000 and later, so we can do full domain join and domain logon operations with these clients.

File Services

Samba 4.0.0 ships with two distinct file servers. We now use the file server from the Samba 3.x series 'smbd' for all file serving by default.


As DNS is an integral part of Active Directory, we also provide two DNS solutions, a simple internal DNS server for 'out of the box' configurations and a more elaborate BIND plugin using the BIND DLZ mechanism in versions 9.8 and 9.9.


To provide accurate timestamps to Windows clients, we integrate with the NTP project to provide secured NTP replies.

Python Scripting Interface

A new scripting interface has been added to Samba 4, allowing Python programs to interface to Samba's internals, and many tools and internal workings of the DC code is now implemented in python.

Note di rilascio disponibili a questa pagina.

Mar 22 Mag 2012     

Rilasciato VirtualBox 4.1.16, software freeware di virtualizzazione per sistemi Windows, Linux, Mac OS X. Download da questa pagina.

This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:

  • VMM: fixed a Guru Meditation VERR_ACCESS_DENIED with certain guests (bugs #7589, #8247)
  • VMM: fixed a Guru Meditation VERR_PAGE_TABLE_NOT_PRESENT with Ubuntu 32-bit guests with nested paging enabled on AMD CPUs (bug #10183)
  • VMM: preserve segment limits and attributes when switching to unreal mode required for some legacy guests to work properly (VT-x without unrestricted guest execution only; bug #9941)
  • VMM: fixed a VM hang after a resume from pause / savestate with SMP guests in rare cases
  • 3D Support: several fixes for the Windows WDDM video driver crash
  • NAT: fixed a crash on attempt to process ICMP datagram under some circumstances (bug #10527)
  • Host-only Networking: lifted the maximal number of interfaces to 128 on Linux and Mac OS X hosts (there is no such limitation for Solaris and Windows hosts)
  • EFI: fixed wrong SEC/PEI Core entry point calculation (bug #10531)
  • VRDP: fixed a display update problem (bug #10503)
  • Main: set the proper VM state if savestate failed for some reason (bug #6189)
  • Main: more useful error message if a medium is inaccessible
  • VBoxManage: fixed controlvm savestate if the VM is already paused
  • Mac OS X hosts: addressed issues running on Mountain Lion Preview 3 (bug #10267)
  • Linux hosts: Linux 3.4 compile fixes
  • Linux hosts: fixed wrong help path in some rpm-based packages (bug #10418)
  • Guest Additions: fixed handling of custom environment variables during VBoxManage guestcontrol execute(bug #10581)
  • Windows Additions: fixed guest driver crash of VBoxSF in certain cases (4.1.10 regression, bug #10408)
  • Windows Additions: don't load the WDDM driver if 3D support is not available for Windows 8 guests to keep the guest maintainable in that case (still better to miss some features than providing a blank screen)
  • Solaris Additions: added support for Server 1.11 and 1.12