Rilasciata una nuova versione di Clonezilla
Stable Clonezilla Live (2.0.1-5) released. This release of Clonezilla Live includes minor enhancements and bug fixes: the underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded, this release is based on the Debian 'sid' repository (as of 2012-11-26); Linux kernel was updated to 3.2.32; package drbl was updated to 2.1.34-drbl1, and Clonezilla was updated to 3.1.22; a KMS mode was added in the boot menu; Partclone was updated to 0.2.56; packages tcplay and mpg123 were added; boot parameter 'ocs_lang' is now replaced by 'locales' from live-config
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Rilasciata la nuova versione di Parted Magic
This release updates clonezilla-1.2.12-60, ntfs-3g_ntfsprogs-2012.1.15AR.5, partclone-0.2.48, testdisk-6.14-WIP, bash-4.2.024, lxinput-0.3.2, menu-cache-0.3.3, xmms2-0.8DrO_o, libogg-1.2.2, libvorbis-1.3.2, lxmusic-0.4.5, mpg123-1.13.3, alsa-lib-1.0.25, alsa-utils-1.0.25. There are some new programs too. They are dislocker, libdiscid-0.2.2, libsndfile-1.0.24, kmod-8, nmap-5.51. Parted Magic uses kmod-8 by default now instead of module-init-tools.
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