AMD ha rilasciato i driver Catalyst 12.2 per Windows XP, Windows Vista (32 e 64 bit) e Windows 7 (32 e 64 bit).
Windows 7 and Windows Vista support for the AMD Radeon HD 7900 Series and AMD Radeon HD 7700 Series
- Enables support for Windows 7 64-bit/32-bit and Windows Vista 64-bit/32-bit.
- Windows XP support will be made available in AMD Catalyst 12.4.
Super Sampling Anti-Aliasing is now available for DirectX® 10 and DirectX 11 applications
- Supported on the AMD Radeon HD 7900 and AMD Radeon HD 7700 Series.
- Users can now enable Super Sample Anti-Aliasing and Adaptive Anti-Aliasing through the AMD Catalyst Control Center for DirectX 10 and DirectX 11 applications.
- Applications must support in game Anti-Aliasing for the feature to work (Forced on Anti-Aliasing through the Catalyst Control Center is not supported for DirectX 10 and DirectX 11 applications).
AMD Eyefinity 2.1 technology enhancements
- Custom resolutions – users can now choose from a much larger set of display resolutions for their AMD Eyefinity configurations.
- Dynamic Configuration Changes: Switching between different display configurations (when physically plugging/un-plugging displays) will occur automatically by loading the appropriate profile.
- HydraVision enhancements: The Windows Task bar can now be moved and resized based on users preference.
- Profile Manager improvements: Users can now create multiple Display profiles, enabling users to seamlessly switch between various AMD Eyefinity and Display Configurations.
Futuremark ha rilasciato 3DMark 11, benchmark utilizzato per valutare le prestazioni delle schede video, 3DMark 11 fa ampio uso di tutte le nuove funzionalità di DirectX 11 comprese la tessellation, compute shaders e multi-threading. I requisiti minimi per poter utilizzare 3DMark 11 prevedono un PC con scheda con supporto per DirectX 11, come sistema operativo Windows Vista o Windows 7, un processore dual core da 1.8 Ghz, 1 GB di RAM, e 1.5 GB di spazio libero su hard disk. Il download di 3DMark 11 è possibile dai mirror indicati a questa pagina. La versione Basic Edition è gratuita, mentre le altre versioni sono a pagamento. La Advanced Edition al prezzo di 19.95$, la Professional Edition al prezzo di 995$.
nVidia ha presentato la sua nuova scheda video GeForce GTX 570, La nuova scheda supporta le librerie DirectX 11 con Shader Model 5.0, le librerie OpenGL 4.1, HDMI 1.4a. La dotazione di RAM è di 1280 MB GDDR5, la memory bandwidth è di 152 GB/sec.
GeForce GTX 570 Features
GPU: GF110 @ 732MHz
Shader processors: 480
Streaming multiprocessors: 15
Memory: five memory controllers (5x256MB) for a total of 1280MB of GDDR5 @ 950MHz real speed (or 1900MHz DDR or 3800MHz effective, see here for details:Graphics Cards Memory Speed Demystified), 320-bit
ROPs: 40
Texture units: 60
TDP: 219W
Power connectors: two 6-pin
3-way SLI support
3D API: OpenGL 4.1 and Direct3D 11
GPU Computing: CUDA, PhysX, OpenCL 1.1 and DirectCompute
Price: around US $350
Rilasciate le librerie DirectX 9.29.1973 per sistemi Windows XP SP2 e SP3, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows Server 2003 e 2008. Download del web installer disponibile da questa pagina: