Ven 07 Dic 2012

Lars Knoll, Qt Chief architect di Digia (software house finlandese che ha acquisito Qt da Nokia), ha annunciato la disponibilità della release candidate di Qt 5.0

I'm very happy to announce that the first release candidate for Qt 5.0.0 has just been released.

We have been completely restructuring the Qt documentation to make it easier to access. Please have a look and check out the new docs. We hope that they will make it easier to find your way and access the information you’re searching for.

The examples have also received a lot of love to make sure it is easy to get started with Qt. They can be easily accessed, build and launched from Qt Creator’s Welcome screen.

A final set of a few additional API changes has also made it into the release candidate. This release fixes the API set for Qt 5.0. Between now and the final release we will only make very minor adjustments to the API.

La lista dei cambiamenti introdotti in questa versione rispetto alla 4.0 si trova a questa pagina. La documentazione è disponibile a questa pagina. Il download della RC per Windows, Linux e Mac OS X è possibile da questa pagina.

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