Mer 13 Mag 2015

Java 9 arriverà nel settembre del prossimo anno, secondo quanto annunciato da Oracle.

Chief Java Architect Mark Reinhold recently proposed a new schedule for Java 9 milestones, now on the JDK 9 project page
  • 10 December 2015: Feature Complete
  • 04 February 2016: All Tests Run
  • 25 February 2016: Rampdown Start
  • 21 April 2016: Zero Bug Bounce
  • 16 June 2016: Rampdown Phase 2
  • 21 July 2016: Final Release Candidate
  • 22 September 2016: General Availability

Java 9 will introduce a modularized JDK, which means developers will be able to load smaller amounts of code when running applications that donít require the entire environment. This will enable Java to scale from small devices to large software systems while providing a secure platform.
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