La Document Foundation ha annunciato il rilascio di LibreOffice 3.3.4.
LibreOffice 3.3.4 fixes several bugs, the next maintenance release 3.3.5 is scheduled for October. In the meantime, development is continuing on the 3.4 series, which offers new features. The next version in that branch – LibreOffice 3.4.3 – is expected by the end of August.
The Document Foundation maintains two editions of LibreOffice: version 3.3.x caters to conservative users, who wish to stick to a proven release in deep maintenance mode, with increasingly infrequent updates, while the 3.4 branch provides a more modern and featurefull release. We therefore strongly recommend everyone to update to the 3.4 series in the near future.
LibreOffice è disponibile per sistemi Windows, Mac OS X e Linux in oltre 100 lingue. Download da questa pagina.
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