Annunciato il rilascio di Linux Mint 12 "LXDE" edition
The team is proud to announce the release of Linux Mint 12 LXDE.
Linux Mint 12 LXDE comes with updated software and brings refinements and new features to make your desktop even more comfortable to use.
This edition features the fast and lightweight LXDE desktop.
Hybrid ISO images
This is the first release of Linux Mint using Hybrid ISO images. Traditionally, tools such as 'Startup Disk Creator' or 'UNetbootin' were needed to install Linux Mint via USB. With hybrid images, you can simply use the "dd" command or a graphical frontend to make a bootable USB stick with no efforts which acts exactly like a liveDVD.
- The resulting USB stick will act exactly like a liveCD/DVD
- The process is fast and simple
- Hybrid ISOs are still compatible with Unetbootin and Startup Disk Creator
- This method deletes all the data present on the USB drive
- The USB stick isn't persistent (though you can still use Unetbootin to do this)
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