Annunciato il rilascio della prima release candidate di NetBSD 7.0
Many changes have been made since 6.0. Here are a few highlights:
- Greatly improved support for modern Intel and Radeon graphics hardware through a port of the Linux DRM/KMS code. Most X.Org components have been updated as well.
- ARM multiprocessor support
- Support for new ARM boards, some of which are listed below:
- Raspberry Pi 2
- BeagleBoard-xM
- BeagleBone
- BeagleBone Black
- Banana Pi
- Cubieboard 2
- Cubietruck
- Merii Hummingbird
- Marvell ARMADA XP
- GlobalScale MiraBox
- Kobo
- Sharp Netwalker PC-Z1
- GPT support in sysinst
- Lua kernel scripting
- Multiprocessor USB stack
- Many improvements to NPF, the NetBSD packet filter
- GCC 4.8.4 (and optionally, LLVM/Clang 3.6.1)
Articoli correlati
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