Microsoft ha rilasciato la release candidate della nuova versione del suo browser Internet Explorer 9.
The IE9 RC includes a number of important improvements consistent with our vision of delivering an all-around fast browser, one that puts the focus on your sites, strengthens our commitment to privacy and security, and delivers on our the commitment to developers to enable them to use the same markup and site-ready HTML5. For example, the IE RC includes:
- Significant performance improvements in browser speed which, according to the WebKit SunSpider test, is now 35% faster than the IE9 Beta. Coupled with IE9’s innovative approach to graphics processing through hardware acceleration in Windows, IE9 is truly an all-around fast browser opening up opportunities for developers to create rich new experiences.
- Numerous enhancements to the user interface such as new ways of handling notifications, the ability to place tabs on their own separate row, and enhancements to the already powerful site pinning functionality.
- Support for additional HTML5 and web standards including Geolocation, and semantic tags.
Il download di IE9 RC è possibile da questa pagina.
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