Archivio del mese Dicembre 2014

Mer 12 Dic 2012     

Embarcadero ha introdotto in C++ Builder XE3 un compilatore a 64 per Windows (BCC64) che si va ad aggiungere al vecchio compilatore a 32 bit (BCC32) che è utilizzabile per Windows e Mac OS X, a differenza del nuovo compilatore da 64 bit che è disponibile solo per Windows e per processori Intel. In questo post sono illustrate alcune differenze tra i due compilatori.

Il nuovo compilatore supporta gli standard C++98, C++TR1, C++11, ANSI C, ISO C, C99, C11, ed usa la versione 5.3 del Dinkumware's Standard C and Standard C++ libraries, mentre il compilatore a 32 bit usa la versione 5.01. Inoltre il nuovo compilatore usa la versione 1.5 delle Boost C++ libraries. Il vecchio compilatore a 32 bit non supporta la versione 1.5 delle Boost C++ libraries, ma la versione 1.39, e non supporta parte dello standard C++11.

Some compiler and Windows differences to be aware of (most of the time the compiler and RTL will take care of things for you unless you have platform specific code):

  • 64-bit Windows Applications use the familiar Windows API
  • Windows API calls must be 64-bit versions.
  • Try blocks are supported in 64-bit Windows programs.
  • A 64-bit Windows application can use a 32-bit Windows type library (as some 64-bit MS Office applications do).
  • Cannot mix 32-bit and 64-bit code in the same process.
  • DLLs, components, libraries, and packages require that you compile or install separate 32-bit Windows (design-time) and 64-bit Windows (run-time) versions if you want to use the Form Designer.
    64-bit Windows is needed for OS extensions, shell extensions.
  • The size of LRESULT, WPARAM, and LPARAM all expand to 64 bits, so message handlers will have to be checked for inappropriate casts.
Mer 12 Dic 2012     

Il team di Samba ha annunciato il rilascio della versione 4.0.

Major enhancements in Samba 4.0.0 include:

Active Directory services

Samba 4.0 supports the server-side of the Active Directory logon environment used by Windows 2000 and later, so we can do full domain join and domain logon operations with these clients.

File Services

Samba 4.0.0 ships with two distinct file servers. We now use the file server from the Samba 3.x series 'smbd' for all file serving by default.


As DNS is an integral part of Active Directory, we also provide two DNS solutions, a simple internal DNS server for 'out of the box' configurations and a more elaborate BIND plugin using the BIND DLZ mechanism in versions 9.8 and 9.9.


To provide accurate timestamps to Windows clients, we integrate with the NTP project to provide secured NTP replies.

Python Scripting Interface

A new scripting interface has been added to Samba 4, allowing Python programs to interface to Samba's internals, and many tools and internal workings of the DC code is now implemented in python.

Note di rilascio disponibili a questa pagina.

Mer 12 Dic 2012     

Update della versione stabile di Chrome, browser sviluppato da Google

The Stable channel has been updated to 23.0.1271.97 for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and ChromeFrame platforms. This build contains the following fixes:

  • Some texts in a Website Settings popup are trimmed (Issue: 159156)
  • Linux: selection renders white text on white bg in apps (Issue: 158422)
  • some plugins stopped working (Issue: 159896)
  • Windows 8: Unable to launch system level chrome after self destructing user-level chrome (Issue: 158632)
Ven 07 Dic 2012     

Rilasciata la prima alpha di Kubuntu 13.04. Note di rilascio a questa pagina, download a partire da questa pagina.

Ven 07 Dic 2012     

Lars Knoll, Qt Chief architect di Digia (software house finlandese che ha acquisito Qt da Nokia), ha annunciato la disponibilità della release candidate di Qt 5.0

I'm very happy to announce that the first release candidate for Qt 5.0.0 has just been released.

We have been completely restructuring the Qt documentation to make it easier to access. Please have a look and check out the new docs. We hope that they will make it easier to find your way and access the information you’re searching for.

The examples have also received a lot of love to make sure it is easy to get started with Qt. They can be easily accessed, build and launched from Qt Creator’s Welcome screen.

A final set of a few additional API changes has also made it into the release candidate. This release fixes the API set for Qt 5.0. Between now and the final release we will only make very minor adjustments to the API.

La lista dei cambiamenti introdotti in questa versione rispetto alla 4.0 si trova a questa pagina. La documentazione è disponibile a questa pagina. Il download della RC per Windows, Linux e Mac OS X è possibile da questa pagina.

Ven 07 Dic 2012     

Annunciato il rilascio della prima alpha di Ubuntu 13.04, codename Raring Ringtail

The first Alpha of the Raring Ringtail (to become 13.04) has now been released!

Pre-releases of Raring Ringtail are *not* encouraged for anyone needing a stable system or anyone who is not comfortable running into occasional, even frequent breakage. They are, however, recommended for Ubuntu developers and those who want to help in testing, reporting and fixing bugs as we work towards getting this release ready.

La prima alpha di Ubuntu 13.04 è disponibile per il dowload da questa pagina. Ulteriori dettagli sul programma di sviluppo e rilascio sono disponibili a questa pagina.

Gio 06 Dic 2012     

Rilasciata LibreOffice 3.6.4

This is the sixth release from the 3.6 branch of LibreOffice.
It contains many exciting new features, and is the recommended version for home and corporate users.

The following notes apply:

  • This release is bit-for-bit identical to the 3.6.4 Release Candidate 3, so you don't need to download or reinstall if you have that version already.
  • The distribution for Windows is an international build, so you can choose the user interface language that you prefer. Help content is available via an online service, or alternatively as a separate install.
  • For Windows users that have LibreOffice prior to version 3.4.5 installed, uninstall that beforehand. Otherwise, the upgrade to 3.6.4 may fail.
  • For Windows users that have installed, we advise uninstalling that beforehand, because it registers the same file type associations.
  • If you run Windows 2000, you may require this update before being able to install LibreOffice.
  • If you run Linux, the GCJ Java variant has known issues with LibreOffice, we advise to e.g. use OpenJDK instead.

Download da questa pagina.

Gio 06 Dic 2012     

Il team di KDE ha annunciato il rilascio del quarto update della serie 4.9

Today KDE released updates for its Workspaces, Applications, and Development Platform. These updates are the last in a series of monthly stabilization updates to the 4.9 series. 4.9.4 updates bring many bugfixes and translation updates on top of the latest edition in the 4.9 series and are recommended updates for everyone running 4.9.3 or earlier versions. As the release only contains bugfixes and translation updates, it will be a safe and pleasant update for everyone.

The list of 71 recorded bugfixes include improvements in the Dolphin file manager and Kontact email and groupware client. KDE's development platform has received a number of updates which affect multiple applications.

La lista dei cambiamenti è disponibile a questa pagina.

Gio 06 Dic 2012     

Rilasciata la seconda beta di KDE 4.10

Today KDE released the second beta for its renewed Workspaces, Applications, and Development Platform. Thanks to the feedback from the first beta, KDE already improved the quality noticably. Further polishing new and old functionality will lead to a rock-stable, fast and beautiful release in January, 2013. One outstanding freeze is the artwork freeze, which is planned to bring an updated look to Plasma workspaces.

Mer 05 Dic 2012     

Nuova versione beta per il browser Chrome di Google

The Beta channel has been updated to 24.0.1312.32 for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and Chrome Frame. This build contains following updates:

  • Fixed crashes like 161858, 158747, 156878
  • Fixed graphical corruption in Dust.
  • Fixed print preview in Windows 8 mode.
  • Fixed scrolling issue.