Mer 29 Dic 2010

Rilasciata la versione 5.8 di Parted Magic

Parted Magic now includes the SciTE text editor! For the first time the ISO image can be fully loaded into RAM and Booted. This means, for example, that the default syslinux menu can be used for a PXE boot. The following programs have been updated: clonezilla-1.2.6-40, plpbt-5.0.11, psensor-0.4.4, linux-, busybox-1.17.4, nwipe-0.03, simpleburn-1.6.0, syslinux-4.03, clamav-0.96.5, e2fsprogs-1.41.14, gparted-0.7.1 These are the new programs that were added: zerofree-1.0.1, cmospwd-5.0, open-iscsi-2.0.871, hfsprescue-0.1, gscite223

Download da questa pagina, o direttamente da questo link: pmagic-5.8.iso (148 MB).

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